Our fees

The sale of a property

In general, agency fees are the responsibility of the client who calls on the real estate professional.Our commissions for the sale of a building generally amount to an average of 3% + 17% VAT.

The commission is due by the seller if the latter has signed a sales mandate with the agency.

- However, insofar the service provided by the agent is not provided solely to the seller but also to the buyer, a sharing of commission costs may be considered.

- The commission is due by the buyer if he has signed a search mandate with the agency.

The valuation of a property

The estimate is free if the customer signs a sales mandate.

If the client uses the services of the agency solely to have the property appraised, the costs amount to 5.5 Euros including tax/m2 of living space or cadastral surface.

The sale of a business

Our commissions for the sale of a goodwill amount to:

- 5% + VAT 17% of the value of a goodwill between 0 and 100,000 Euros;

- 4% + VAT 17% of the value of a goodwill between 100,000 and 500,000 Euros;

- 3% + VAT 17% of the value of a goodwill greater than 500,000 Euros.

Renting à property

The commission for the rental of a dwelling amounts to 1 month's rent + 17% VAT, payable by the tenant, unless otherwise stated in the advertisement.

The state of play

The agency fees for the inventory amount to 125 Euros including tax, payable by the party who commissioned the agency.

The inventory is not invoiced separately if a rental mandate has been signed.

Asset management

The fees for rental and asset management amount to 2% + VAT 17% of the annual rent.

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